My Projects!

Here are some projects you can view!

Tab List Opener

Tab List Opener

A tab opener, for when you don’t feel like manually opening the entire list of tabs you logged.

Moosey Gang Requests You…

Moosey Gang Requests You…

Feeling bored? The Moosey Gang would appreciate a favor from you! Moosey Gang is an obscure online club, and most of the are too busy doing… their duties. They have some stuff they need to do, and your efforts could help their gallery.

Orb Ocean!

Orb Ocean!

In this game, you are a fish that collects orbs! This is a test for the Arcade Game Embed System.

Boredom Guru

Boredom Guru

Are you bored? Click on this guy to find something to do!

Weird Scratch

Weird Scratch

The weirdest version of Scratch (the coding program) that will make you laugh out loud!



Have you ever been in a moment where you move your mouse and it’s in the wrong place? Well you can use my tool, if you see how to use it.