(1-6 are on a black background)
A guy who looked like Tom Holland (Peter cut) with a white shirt getting slapped on the right cheek by an offscreen hand on a black background
A guy who looked like Tom Holland (Peter cut) with a black jacket and a white shirt getting punched on the left cheek by a bare fist,
A guy who looked like Tom Holland (freestyle cut) with no shirt, with his red boxing gloves up, getting punched on the left cheek by a boxing glove.
A guy who looked like Phil McCordic (wet cut) with a blue jacket, getting slapped on the left cheek by an offscreen hand on a black background.
A guy who looked like Phil McCordic (wet cut) with a black shirt and a red necklace, getting punched on the right cheek by a bare fist on a black background.
A guy who looked like Phil McCordic (wet cut) with no shirt, with his black boxing gloves up, getting punched on the left cheek by a boxing glove on a black background.
The Tom holland boxer and Phil Mcordic boxer fighting on a dark blue rainy background.
The Tom holland with a black jacket and the Phil with the black shirt, having a short slap battles
For the Tom Holland pictures, maybe use this dissapointed one, or this questioning one (which was found when suggesting.)
For the Phil McCordic ones, maybe use this excited one. (For the wet cut info, go to this video on YoutubeKids/Youtube )
Hand?: Possibly could be this one? Probably from this guy.
Below is a preview of the JavaScript code:
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
music.play(music.createSoundEffect(WaveShape.Sawtooth, 3411, 1137, 255, 0, 100, SoundExpressionEffect.None, InterpolationCurve.Linear), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)
` )
function Color_palette (Hue: number ) {
for (let index = 0; index <= 15; index++) {
color.setColor(index, color.__hsv(Hue, index * 19, 255))
let mySprite: Sprite = null
Color_palette(randint(0, 180))
mySprite = sprites.create(img`
` , SpriteKind.Player)
mySprite.scale = 0.5
mySprite.sy = 0.9
This code needs the Color extension, or Makecode will bother you about how you are handling "the Color variable"