Weird stuff I thought
Some really weird stock footage video thoughts I came up with:

(1-6 are on a black background)

A guy who looked like Tom Holland (Peter cut) with a white shirt getting slapped on the right cheek by an offscreen hand on a black background
A guy who looked like Tom Holland (Peter cut) with a black jacket and a white shirt getting punched on the left cheek by a bare fist,
A guy who looked like Tom Holland (freestyle cut) with no shirt, with his red boxing gloves up, getting punched on the left cheek by a boxing glove.

A guy who looked like Phil McCordic (wet cut) with a blue jacket, getting slapped on the left cheek by an offscreen hand on a black background.
A guy who looked like Phil McCordic (wet cut) with a black shirt and a red necklace, getting punched on the right cheek by a bare fist on a black background.
A guy who looked like Phil McCordic (wet cut) with no shirt, with his black boxing gloves up, getting punched on the left cheek by a boxing glove on a black background.

The Tom holland boxer and Phil Mcordic boxer fighting on a dark blue rainy background.
The Tom holland with a black jacket and the Phil with the black shirt, having a short slap battles
Model Suggestions for WSVI
Mario Makecode Project
Mario Template JS Template Code

This project shows a Mario sprite (that was imported thanks to the power of ascii art) that changes colors when the project is started, and also jumps when you tap πŸ…

Below is a preview of the JavaScript code:

controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {, 3411, 1137, 255, 0, 100, SoundExpressionEffect.None, InterpolationCurve.Linear), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)
function Color_palette (Hue: number) {
for (let index = 0; index <= 15; index++) {
color.setColor(index, color.__hsv(Hue, index * 19, 255))
let mySprite: Sprite = null
Color_palette(randint(0, 180))
mySprite = sprites.create(img`
, SpriteKind.Player)
mySprite.scale = 0.5 = 0.9


This code needs the Color extension, or Makecode will bother you about how you are handling "the Color variable"